مخطط الموضوع
Theme B - ICT CFT Competency
The Kenyan ICT CFT Course is directly aligned to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT). This theme for example has been designed so that participants can master the following competency drawn directly from UNESCO framework:
"Teachers must have a deep knowledge of their subject and the ability to apply it flexibly in a variety of situations. They must also be able to create complex problems whose solutions measure students' understanding." (p.26)
You can read more about the framework and access it directly using the links below.
Theme B - Facilitation Team
Welcome from the Facilitation Team - Unit 3
Online facilitators have been assigned to support you through each of the course's themes. Make sure you identify the appropriate online facilitator for your group. The full facilitation team includes:
Group 1
- Jesse Nyaga - samjesse.samuel@gmail.com
- Dr. Jennifer Wambugu - jenfeb3@gmail.com
Group 2
- Judy Muriuki - judienyambura@gmail.com
- Francis Karanja - fkaranja76@gmail.com
Group 3
- Aggrey Odour - oduorjoab@yahoo.com
- Anne Njagi - anjagi@tsc.go.ke
Group 4
- Dr. Mary Wambaria - mwambaria@kicd.ac.ke
- Mr. Kiruja George - gkkiria@gmail.com
Group 5
- Grace Mwiti - gakimwiti@gmail.com
- Martin Kavua - mkavua@gmail.com
Group 6
- Joseph Wambua - jwambua2011@yahoo.com
- Antony Mbutu - antonymbutu@gmail.com
Need to communicate with the facilitator? Use the forum below to ask your question related to the activities in this theme.
Theme B - Timeframes
Theme B, its content and activities, will be available throughout the 14 week KICTCFT course for you to access, interact and revise. We recommend that you spend a minimum of 8 hours study time on this theme. Please note, however, the facilitators will only be on duty for the following periods
Unit 2: Monday 5th September - Sunday 11th September 2016
Unit 3: Monday 12th September - Sunday 18th September 2016
The course is self paced but here are the dates when online facilitators will be on duty to support you. If you arrive to do any of these units outside the facilitation 'window' there will be no one to give you guidance, however, you are welcome to learn at your own pace.
Theme B - Assessment Strategy
Throughout the course you will be required to construct a portfolio of evidence. For Theme B there are two portfolio tasks, one from unit 2 the other from unit 3. The portfolio tool can be accessed from the top right hand block in each unit.
In the final examination there will also be questions drawn from the content of this theme.