Welcome to the 'Effective school leadership for improved ECD outcomes' online course!
This course is specifically aimed at school leaders for the following reasons:
- It appears that some school leaders do not have an adequate understanding of ECD and therefore do not place adequate value in ECD
- School leaders need to improve their understanding of the teacher-pupil interactions that promote learning in ECD
- School leaders need to improve their skills in order to support the professional development of the ECD teacher, ultimately resulting in the optimisation of the pupils' learning
The main focus areas in this course will cover:- Policy and practice in ECD
- Deepening of ECD knowledge
- Teaching to support ECD
- Coaching to support teachers' development
- Practicing, delivering and facilitating training.
Focusing on the above will assist the Zimbabwe Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in achieving the following goal:- Sustainable Development Goal 4:2: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood education, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education
MoPSE's vision
To be the leading provider of 21st century inclusive, quality education for socio-economic transformationMoPSE's mission
This early learning leadership development programme is premised on the understanding that school leadership and the quality of teaching and learning are critical for the achievement of high learning outcomes. The programme therefore enhances the school leaders’ understanding of ECD and their skills to provide effective instructional leadership for high quality teaching and learning in ECD.
To provide equitable, quality, inclusive, relevant and competence –driven primary, secondary and non-formal education