Types of Proctoring

Subsequent Proctoring

In subsequent proctoring, Images and logs are captured as learners sit for the exam, and are recorded on video. Later on, a proctor (aka an invigilator) will be able to see if there was any form of cheating.

The decision is based on the evidence from the captured images. Because everything is recorded.

Live Proctoring

This is more like a real exam setting. An online proctor actually watches as learners sit for the exam, via webcam. They can intervene if they notice anything unusual, just like in a real classroom setting.

Automated Proctoring

In automated proctored online exams, computer software is used to detect any instances of possible cheating or outside help. It can detect whenever different software is opened, or even if there's another person in the room. The remote proctor is alerted to any such events, and they are then in a position to review them.

Example of proctoring software are ProctorU, AIProctor, Melimu and Mettl

Other Assessment Tools

  • Aside from assessment tools which are available within an LMS (you have already seen some examples using Moodle assessment tools in a previous step), there are other assessment applications that are available. If the results of the tests are not as important as the learning that is taking place (i.e. formative assessment) use these free online testing applications - they can add a lot of fun to the learning process!

Examples of some of these assessment tools include:






آخر تعديل: Sunday، 3 April 2022، 8:30 AM