Types of PBL : Student-centric approach

Student-Centric approach

As already mentioned previously, the student-centric learning approach places the student at the center of the learning process. This situation suggests that the teacher is no longer the 'authority' in terms of content and information but rather a 'facilitator' of learning. Therefore, the following questions may provide a good start for the teacher in assuming his new role in the project-based learning environment. 

  • How do I get the students engaged in the learning process? 

  • What do I challenge the students to be able to resolve real world problems? 

  • How do I make the students be active learners rather than passive learners? 

Admittedly, the goal cannot be achieved overnight, it takes some time and lots of planning to ensure that progress is made.  The activity that follows provides room for learners to gain further knowledge and understanding on the project-based learning methodology.

آخر تعديل: Thursday، 24 March 2022، 1:53 AM