Facilitating the PBL process : Teacher as facilitator

As earlier stated, the teacher assumes a new role in the PBL environment. He is no more the authority, but rather, he is a mere facilitator. Nevertheless, the teacher’s role in PBL remains very vital and essential. The teacher is needed to kick the process by presenting a task to the students and he is expected to remain part of the learning process to provide sufficient guidance and feedback to the students. The teacher must thoroughly explain all tasks that are to be carried out by the students and provide detailed directions on how the students are to develop the project. In in a classroom situation, the teacher is expected to continue to move round within the classroom in order to address questions and motivate the students. 

It must be reemphasized that good planning remains the key to create successful project-based learning lessons. Hence, the teachers must plan well and be flexible. In this situation, teachers can place themselves in the role of learner and peer with the students. This strategy provides a better opportunity for the teacher to assess the students and provide feedback. Teachers can assess project-based learning using different methods. Assessment can be done using multiple choice questions, checklists, and perhaps rubrics. In addition, a reflective writing component can be included to provide room for self-evaluation by the learners. The diagram below depicts the roles that the teacher and learners play in PBL learning situation.


Click https://ict-essentials-for-teachers.moodlecloud.com/mod/url/view.php?id=234 ; and https://ict-essentials-for-teachers.moodlecloud.com/mod/resource/view.php?id=235 ; to read more on the role of a teacher in PBL.

آخر تعديل: Thursday، 24 March 2022، 2:36 AM