Web Based Authoring


If you are already using MS Word and MS PowerPoint to create lessons for teaching you are already using an authoring tool. Ms Word and MS PowerPoint are basic applications that can be used to present lessons. They have some limited features but are a good start for beginners. But what other types are available?

Desktop Authoring Tools

These tools help you create content without any programming experience e.g. MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS OneNote, Udutu, Adobe Cativate, Lectora and Articulate Storyline. Some of these are proprietary (means you have to buy them) but Udutu is a free open source tool.

PowerPoint Plugin Authoring Tools

These plugins use MS PowerPoint as the authoring environment but add additional functionality. They allow you to add interactivity and some provide assessment tools. In addition, they allow you to publish your content package ready for a learning management system. These are easy to use. The most popular tool is Articulate Studio but another fun one is MS Mouse Mischief. 

Web Based Authoring Tools

These tools are accessed using a web browser and require internet connection. They are a good choice for dispersed teams as the content is accessed via the internet. These tools are very easy to use and they manage your files, perform updates and maintain content e.g. Zebra Zapps, Easy generator and Adobe Connect.

Complementary Tools

These tools are useful when creating graphics, videos, animations and quizzes to your e-learning courses. Examples include Raptivity and Camtasia.

The next article on Getting Started with Authoring Tools: An Overview of Proprietary and Open-source Software will give you a better understanding of the different tools.

آخر تعديل: Tuesday، 2 December 2014، 4:02 PM