Intangible Benefits of Information Management


Often the intangible benefits of  management information system are at the critical point in a Institution's wheel. Because it is intangible, the following aspects are often overlooked or not detected.

  1. Increased educational stakeholders' satisfaction: A good management information system will speed up the process so that the time required to serve/support educational stakeholders can be quicker.
  2. Improved quantity and quality of information: Information is an important component of education today. Control over and access to information allows one to act more responsively to changes and trends. 
  3. Improved quality and quantity management decisions: It is inevitable that any school decision-making relies heavily on information. It can only be realized if information systems can provide information that is relevant, accurate, current and can be retrieved at any time. 
  4. Improved operational efficiency and flexibility: All school stakeholders would want this. The more efficient and flexible an operation is, the lower costs are required to run it. This can be achieved due to cut the bureaucracy in the Institution after the implementation of good information systems.
  5. Improved quality of internal and external communications: A good information system must be supported by electronic data communication network systems that are reliable as well. With the application of good information systems, each party both inside and outside the school can exchange information more effectively and efficiently.
  6. Improved quality of planning: Planning is an essential process for educators. However, any planning requires accurate information. If not then the plan may be disoriented and not reach its target.
  7. Improved quality control and supervision: When the information system is built and maintained properly then any activity within the school environment can be constantly monitored. 

A management information system is essential for education management. There are many benefits that can be obtained for the school by implementing an information system.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 December 2014, 5:00 PM