How to Establish a PLN


If the PLN is a very new concept to you, the trick is to start small. Ask other people in your group, or with whom you have gone through a training programme, to participate in periodic discussions and share experiences with each other. You will find that most people are more than happy to help and are honoured to be asked to share their knowledge and wisdom.

Building a Personal Learning Network is a two-way street and requires that you not only seek to learn from others, but that you also help others in the network learn. This applies even if you are a novice in a particular field. You will still have a valuable contribution to make to the network. Perhaps you read an article that might be of interest to others.Or perhaps you heard of an interesting upcoming conference. Share this information with others and if you attend, then circulate your notes and any papers you collect to other network members.

آخر تعديل: Friday، 15 August 2014، 2:50 PM