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UNESCO ICT CFT Based Courses
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Track 5 - Progressive teaching methods
South Africa (MGSLG)
Track 5 - Progressive teaching methods
Course categories:
Egypt (AUC)
Kenya (MoEST)
Kenya (MoEST) / Course orientation
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme A: ICT in Education
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme B: Curriculum & Assessment
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme C: Pedagogy
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme D: ICT
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme E: Organisation and administration
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme F: Teacher Professional Learning
Kenya (MoEST) / Theme G: Managing ICT
Kenya (MoEST) / Assessment
Kenya (MoEST) / Training courses
Nigeria (NOUN)
Philippines (UPOU)
Rwanda (REB)
Rwanda (REB) / Workshop units
Rwanda (REB) / Online units
Rwanda (REB) / Testing & surveys
South Africa (MGSLG)
South Africa (MGSLG) / Orientation
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track Selection Tool
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 1 - Basic ICT Skills
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 2 - ICT integration into teaching and learning
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 3 - ICT for assessment
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 4 - ICT and professional development
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 5 - Progressive teaching methods
South Africa (MGSLG) / Track 6 - Online learning environments
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Technology Literacy - ICT Integration
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Technology Literacy - ICT Integration / Module 01: ICT and education policy
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Technology Literacy - ICT Integration / Module 02: Productivity software
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Technology Literacy - ICT Integration / Module 03: Digital devices and resources
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Technology Literacy - ICT Integration / Module 04: Internet resources
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning / Module 05: TPACK
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning / Module 06: Learner-centered learning
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning / Module 07: Networks and collaboration
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning / Module 08: ICT and assessment
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Deepening - Integration into teaching and learning / Module 09: ICT in the classroom and virtual environments
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Creation - Create online learning environments
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Creation - Create online learning environments / Module 10: Instructional design
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Creation - Create online learning environments / Module 11: Digital learning environment tools
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Creation - Create online learning environments / Module 12: Learning by design
South Africa (MGSLG) / ICT CFT levels / Knowledge Creation - Create online learning environments / Module 13: Pervasive and flipped classrooms
UNESCO (Generic)
Zambia (MoE)
Zambia (MoE) / Module 1 - Access to digital resources
Zambia (MoE) / Module 2 - Basic ICT skills for teaching and learning
Zambia (MoE) / Module 3 - Implications of technology use
Zambia (MoE) / Module 4 - Technology mediated learning spaces
Zambia (MoE) / Module 5 - Technology to support knowledge creation
Zimbabwe (MoPSE)
Zimbabwe (MoPSE) / ICT Essentials
Zimbabwe (MoPSE) / Early Childhood Education
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