مخطط الموضوع
Registrations & Accounts
08h30-09h30 [60 minutes]
Setting up your Moodle account
During this workshop session we will be setting up your Moodle account. We will be creating you as a 'user', making sure you have 'access' to the correct units and themes and taking your photograph so it can be loaded into your 'profile'. Ideally your username and password are the same as what you used to access the pre-test and survey a few weeks ago. However, these will be finalised now. This session will be a bit messy as each individual will need to be processed separately so once you have a username and password 'login' and complete the activity below.
Activity 1: Complete your profile
- Find your username in the top right hand corner of the screen and click on it.
- Your profile is displayed but it has little useful information for others to see so click 'Edit Profile' in the Administration block on the left hand side of the screen.
- Fill in the city or town where you work.
- In the text-box entitled 'Description' write a short biography of yourself. Which school do you work? How much experience do you have? What subjects or grades do you teach?
- Look for the 'User Picture' button and upload either the digital photo taken a few minutes ago or one that you have that clearly shows your face.
- Also click and open 'Interests'. Here load in your hobbies, sports or other interests not necessarily related to work.
- Open the 'Optional' button and if you have a webpage record the URL, Skype address and under 'Institution' include your school.
- Make sure you select the 'Save' button!
Prerequisites & the Pre-Test
09h30-09h45 [15 minutes]
Course Suitability
So should you be doing the Kenyan ICT Competency Framework for Teachers Course (KICTCFT)? It is very definitely not for everyone. The course has been designed as a follow-up for the ICT Integration in Primary Education course and builds on knowledge and skills mastered in that course.
The design principles behind this course also assume you have...
- proficiency in using a word processor;
- proficiency in sending and receiving e-mail;
- proficiency in conducting web searches;
- a year or two teaching experience;
- daily access to a laptop, tablet or smartphone;
- daily access to Internet connectivity/data;
- 66 hours of study time over the next 15 weeks (min 4.5 hours a week) not including this workshop;
- desire to integrate ICT into your teaching and/or school administration.
Is this you?
Activity 2: Review ICT Integration in Primary Education manual
It might have been some time since you did the ICT Integration in Primary Education course or perhaps you have come to this orientation from a different avenue and have not seen those course materials. Access the course manual below and spend 10 minutes reviewing your competencies against the course's objectives.
Course Overview
09h45-10h30 [45 minutes]
Course Overview
So what will this course cover? The KICTCFT course is an intermediate ICT integration course. It builds on what you already know and will encourage you to apply your knowledge and skills in the classroom. It is at the Knowledge Deepening level and will require you to do rather than just know. It focuses on a number of ICT competencies drawn from the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT).
Activity 3: UNESCO ICT CFT & OER
- Access the spreadsheet below to see an overview of the KICTCFT and a list of the UNESCO ICT competencies that have been incorporated into this course.
- معاينة
- The KICT CFT is based on the UNESCO ICT CFT. Access the introductory video and reading below to understand better how this framework has shaped this course. The full framework is also available by accessing the PDF document below.
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- معاينة
- معاينة
10h30-11h00 [30 minutes]
Open Educational Resources (OER)
11h00-11h45 [45 minutes]
Getting to know OER
The KICTCFT has been developed using open educational resources(OER). In this sub-unit we will investigate these resources and see if they might also play a role in the development of your lessons.
Activity 4: What are OER?
- Access the introductory reading below to find out about OER and why they matter.
- معاينة
- Investigate the three web links below. These sites are African OER providers.
Virtual Learning Environment Orientation I
11h45-13h00 [75 minutes]
Getting to know the VLE
Besides the initial orientation workshop this course is run predominantly online through a virtual learning environment (VLE) or platform called Moodle. It is essential that you feel comfortable with the online tools that you will be required to use as part of your studies. This session will be facilitated so make sure you follow his/her instructions and ask questions when things are not clear!
Activity 5: Introductions using the Chat tool
Welcome! You might already have met a few people informally but lets introduce ourselves formally. There is, however, a twist. We will introduce ourselves using the Chat tool.
- Access the chat room below entitled 'Introductions'
- Once inside type your name and school and submit your information.
- You will notice that others are there too so go ahead and greet them in the same way.
- معاينة
Was that chaotic! With 50 of you all interacting at the same time it probally was! So how can we use the chat for educational purposes?
- Access the Chatiquette tips below and familiarise yourself with good chat behaviour.
- معاينة
Activity 6: Course Expectations using the Forum tool
When the facilitator wants you to discuss an issue it is more likely that he/she will use the Forum tool. This tool allows for a more sophisticated discussion. Another advantage is that it is an example of asynchronous communication, that is it's not necessary to have everyone online at the same time. We will use the forum tool to identify your course expectations. What do you think the course will offer you in terms of professional development?
- Access the forum below entitled 'Expectations'
- Once inside find the facilitator's 1st post and click on the 'Reply' button.
- In the text box that appears type a paragraph identifying what you expect the course to deliver. What are your expectations?
- Once complete go back and see what others have written. Either question or endorse their perspectives by clicking the 'Reply' button attached to their posts.
- طرح منشورات في المنتدى: 2
13h00-14h00 [60 minutes]
Virtual Learning Environment Orientation II
14h00-16h00 [120 minutes]
Getting to know the VLE even better!
Before lunch we looked at a few VLE communication tools, chat, forums and choices, while in this section we will investigate different ways for you to access and submit resources. We will also look at ways for you to do tests online and track your own performance as you work through the programme.
Activity 7: Polls to determine levels of engagement
Occasionally the facilitator will want to ascertain class trends. Are they ready for the assignment? Do we need a revision programme? etc. He will use a class poll or choice tool to collect this information. Right now he/she wants to ascertain your levels of excitement or apprehension for the work to come.
- Access the choice tool below entitled 'Levels of Engagement'
- Once inside look at the options available that describe different levels of engagement and make a selection.
- Come out and look at the class responses to see where others are in comparison to your selection.
- إختر
Activity 8: Submitting assignments
In each unit you will be requested to submit an assignment to the unit facilitator. In all cases the assignment will be in the form of an electronic document such as a word processor file or a presentation. These assignment files need to be submitted within the Moodle VLE. Do NOT send your assignment to the facilitator via e-mail. He or she will delete it! We need to track each file so make sure you know how to use the assignment tool.
- In 20 minutes use a presentation package and create a 4 slide presentation that tells the facilitator something about yourself: Slide 1 - Name, hometown, school, grades you teach | Slide 2 - Hobbies, sports, cultural interests | Slide 3 - Family - Spouse, children, parents etc. | Slide 4 - Which inspirational historical figure, dead or alive, would you like to spend an hour with and why.
- Use the Internet to find some visual material to illustrate your presentation.
- Save the file with a name like 'SurnameProfile.pptx'
- Use the upload tool below to submit your assignment.
- القيام بالتسليم
Activity 9: Quizzes
By now you have already used the quiz tool! The pretest was an example of a quiz. Occasionally the facilitator may require you to do a brief test and the final examination at the end of the course will also utilize the functionality of the quiz tool. Make sure you are familiar with how it works. Try out the example below.
- تلقي علامة
Activity 10: Tracking your own progress
Throughout the course you can track your own progress. To do this we use the Moodle Completion Tool to monitor progress. Access the tutorial below to see how this is done.
- معاينة
Assessment Strategy - Portfolios
08h30-10h30 [120 minutes]
Course Assessment Strategy & Setting up Your Portfolio
Earlier we mentioned that the TSC will recognize your endeavours on this course and allocate you professional development points. But how will they ascertain your mastery of new ICT in Education competencies? In this block we will unpack the assessment strategy and help you to set up your own online portfolio.
Activity 1: Assessment Strategy
Access the page entitled 'KICTCFT Assessment Strategy' below to learn more about assessment opportunities and mark allocations.
- معاينة
Activity 2: Setting up your e-portfolio's structure
- Identify the block on the top left hand side of the screen page that is entitled 'Exabis E-Portfolio' and right click on the 'My Portfolio' link to open the portfolio in a new tab. This will allow you to follow the step by step instructions here and work on the portfolio at the same time.
- We are going to prepare the portfolio's structure so that it will be easy for you and others to save, store and retrieve portfolio items. Ensure the 'My Portfolio' tab is selected.
- Create two categories or folders. Call one 'e-Portfolio Documents' and the other 'Personal Files'. The second is for you to store your own items.
- Select the 'e-Portfolio Documents' category or folder and inside create 14 sub categories or sub folders entitled Unit 1 through to 14. It will be here that we will store each of the portfolio projects for evaluation.
- Also take a copy of your profile 'description' or biography that you prepared yesterday in Activity 1. Paste this text into the text box entitled 'Personal Information' under the 'Information' tab inside your portfolio. Or if you prefer craft a different version to share with those who look at your portfolio.
Activity 3: Setting up your e-portfolio's layout
- Inside 'My Portfolio' look for and select the 'Views' tab
- Select the 'Add View' button.
- Give the view you are creating the title, 'TSC Review'.
- Now click on the 'layout' sub-tab and select a layout for the way the TSC markers will see your portfolio items.
- Next click on the 'content' sub-tab and experiment by dragging the various components, such as 'Personal Info', 'Items', Media etc.onto your layout grid.
- Currently you don't have anything stored here but as you add files you will be given the option of selecting which files you want to include in this 'view'.
- Click on the 'Share' tab and insert a tick inside 'External Access'. The portfolio engine will generate a URL you can share allowing others to see that particular 'view' of your portfolio from where ever they are connected. This is the link we will share with TSC.
10h30-11h00 [30 minutes]
11h00-11h10 [10 minutes]
Understanding Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs, television shows, e-mail messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium. Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your document using an internal citation. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. The KICTCFT will not tolerate plagiarism and the facilitators will take strong action if it is detected. In this sub-unit we will investigate a tool to use to ensure that your submission does not fall fowl of the 'no-plagiarism' principle. (More... here)
Activity 4: Detecting Plagiarism
- Select and Copy (Ctrl-C) this piece of text, "Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. The idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules.The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement."
- Navigate to this anti-plagiarism web-based tool; http://solidseotools.com/plagiarism-checker and paste (Ctrl-V) the text into the text-box;
- Insert the image verification code and then click the red 'Check for plagiarism' button.
- This is how easy it is to detect fraudsters!
Optimal Use of Mobile Devices
11h10-12h00 [50 minutes]
Using your phone and tablet to access the KICTCFT
In this session we will look at how to set up your phones and tablets to support your KICTCFT studies using both Moodle Mobile and Whats App. We will also complete a tutorial on how best to use the photo, video and audio features of your phone to submit media as part of your assignments.
Activity 5: Setting up Moodle Mobile
Moodle Mobile runs on three of the main platforms; Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The following are the steps to follow when installing the application on these platforms;
- معاينة
Activity 6: Uploading Content - Video
For some activities in this course you are required to upload assignments which can be in the following formats; images, videos, PDF etc. But, from the Mobile Application this will not be possible, it will redirect you to the browser from where you can be able to access the files that you have in your phone. This might bring up problems with regards to file type for media files i.e. videos and audio, also the size of the files. This then means we should change the format and the size. To do this we need the following applications;
- For iPhone use: Video Converter App. It is featured to change the format and compress it to a small size.
- For Android use: Video Converter Android. This has an ability to change the file type and compress the video to the desired size.
Activity 7: Uploading Content - PDF and Word Documents
Some assignments will require that you upload PDF and Word documents, the procedure for doing this is the same as the one for videos, you will be redirected to the browser from where you can be able to choose the file you wish to submit.
Note: It's advisable to submit assignments in PDF format so to avoid issues with format.
To be able to smoothly study online using your phone or tablet here are some applications that you may need to have installed on your phone. The document below gives you a breakdown of these apps.
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Activity 8: Course Community Chat - Whats App Group
You have been interacting face to face during this orientation course. To continue collaborating during the online phase, we need to form a WhatsApp group. In this group you will required to observe online etiquette and chatiquette that you have learnt.
- You will need to download the free app on Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS) to your phone;
- Provide your telephone number to the facilitator who will invite you to the course group;
- Accept the invite to the group on your cell phone.
13h00-14h00 [60 minutes]
Logging into and Customising OpenSIS
12h00-13h00 [60 minutes]
Access the OpenSIS School Management System
We will use this session to access the OpenSIS School Management System and ensure that everyone has the correct permissions to complete activities in Unit 9 on School Records. By the end of this sub-unit make sure you have the following information tucked away for later reference.
- An OpenSIS username
- An OpenSIS password
- An instance insideOpenSIS where you have create a database for your school.
Activity 9: Creating a School in OpenSIS
A version of OpenSIS is running on the KICTCFT server and we need to customise it so that there is place in it where your school can keep its records. Use the link below to access OpenSIS.
- معاينة
- Login using the username and password supplied by the workshop facilitator;
- Check to see if your school already exists in the database by using the drop down menu in the top right hand corner.
- If your school DOES exist roll over the dates so you can start again;
- Select 'Tools' in the light blue menu bar;
- Select 'Role Over';
- Insert today's date as the enrollment date;
- Insert fictitious future start and end dates for a school term;
- Click the 'Roll over' button
- If your school does NOT exist
- Select 'School Setup';
- Select 'School';
- From the drop down menu select 'Add a School';
- Fill in the 10 data fields starting with 'School Name' that describe the school you work at. Note you will need to complete all 10 fields. If you don't know the information insert 'dummy' data;
- Click the blue 'Save' button;
- A message appears: "A new school called XX School has been created. To finish the operation, click OK button." Click the blue 'OK' button.
- If you have been successful the name of the new school now appears in a drop down box in the top right hand corner of the OpenSIS window.
Activity 10: Creating a School OpenSIS Administrator
Lets create you as the dedicated administrator for your school's database.
- Make sure your school name appears at the top of the screen;
- From the main menu select 'Users';
- From the sub menu that appears directly below the main menu move the cursor over 'Staff' and study the drop down menu;
- Select 'Add a Staff' from the drop down menu;
- Insert your 'Salutation', 'First' and 'Last' names into the appropriate fields;
- Insert your e-mail address in the appropriate field. If you want fill in the other fields.
- Click the 'Save and next' button;
- The tab 'School Information' opens, select 'Teacher' from the drop down menu that appears in 'Category'.
- Select today's date as the 'Joining Date';
- In the second box entitled 'openSIS Access Information' click the 'Access' option button;
- Select 'Admin Asst';
- Choose a username for yourself and insert into the 'Username' field. (NB. Write this down for later reference in lesson 9!)
- Choose a password for yourself and insert into the 'Password' field. (NB. Also write this down!)
- Click the 'Save' button;
- A new box appears. Make sure there is a tick next to your school and that Admin Asst appears in the 'Profile' column next to your school's name.
- Click the 'Save' button;
- Click 'logout' at the top of the screen and then log back in with your own username and password to test that you were successful in setting up the new administrator.
NB: Keep the record of your username and password as these will be essential to complete lesson 9!
Support Structures
14h00-15h00 [60 minutes]
Who You Gonna Call? --- "Ghostbusters!"
In this session we will identify support personnel who you can contact if there are problems either academically, administratively or technically. It is important to call the correct person.
KICTCFT Course Co-ordinators for strategic issues relating to the KICTCFT and its role as a teacher’s professional development option and teacher issues:
Ms Cecilia Wakahiu, Head National ICT Innovation and Integration Centre, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology: cwakahiu@education.go.ke / cwakahiu@gmail.com
Ms Anne Njagi, Assistant Deputy Director TSC ICT department, Teacher Service Commission: anjagi@tsc.go.ke / anwagi39@gmail.com
Jaco du Toit, Communication and Information Adviser, UNESCO: j.dutoit@unesco.org
KICTCFT Course Administrator for Moodle permissions, changes of participant’s e-mail, broken links, missing documents in the course.
Ms Ivy Obonyo, Teacher Service Commission: ivy.obonyo@tsc.go.ke
KICTCFT Course Lead Facilitators for issues to do with teacher support, absenteeism, negative behaviour by participants, application for extensions etc.
Online facilitators have been assigned to support you through each of the course's themes. Make sure you identify the appropriate online facilitator for your group. The full facilitation team includes:
Group 1
- Jesse Nyaga - samjesse.samuel@gmail.com
- Dr. Jennifer Wambugu - jenfeb3@gmail.com
Group 2
- Judy Muriuki - judienyambura@gmail.com
- Francis Karanja - fkaranja76@gmail.com
Group 3
- Aggrey Odour - oduorjoab@yahoo.com
- Anne Njagi - anjagi@tsc.go.ke
Group 4
- Dr. Mary Wambaria - mwambaria@kicd.ac.ke
- Mr. Kiruja George - gkkiria@gmail.com
Group 5
- Grace Mwiti - gakimwiti@gmail.com
- Martin Kavua - mkavua@gmail.com
Group 6
- Joseph Wambua - jwambua2011@yahoo.com
- Antony Mbutu - antonymbutu@gmail.com
KICTCFT Course Moodle Support for issues relating to the platform such as rebooting the server and/or requests for additional online functionality etc.
Mr Andrew Moore, Neil Butcher and Associates, Johannesburg: andryn@iafrica.com
TSC Professional Development Points and Course Recognition
15h00-16h00 [60 minutes]
Facilitated by Anne Njagi from the Teachers' Service Commission (TSC).
Simon Kavisi for TSC from Andrew Moore on Vimeo.
Unit 1: ICT in Education Policy Environment
08h30-13h00 [250 minutes]
Access and Complete the First Unit
In this session we will work as a group to complete the first unit. The methodology used will be a blended learning approach where we will work face to face but interact using the Moodle platform.
Activity 1: Complete Unit 1 on ICT in Education Policy
- Navigate away from this Orientation Workshop Unit by clicking on 'Home' link at the beginning of the 'bread crumb trail' at top left of the screen.
- From the main index select, Introduction to Theme A: ICT in Education
- The facilitator will take you through both this unit and Unit 1 to make sure you know how to navigate the site and use the Moodle tools appropriately.
- Make sure that the portfolio item, a PowerPoint presentation, is uploaded into the Moodle system using the assignment tool at the end of unit 1, BUT also to your portfolio.
13h00-14h00 [60 minutes]
KICTCFT (Offline)
14h00-14h45 [45 minutes]
Accessing the KICTCFT when you are Offline
What happens if your connectivity fails you? In this sub-unit we will look at how you can access the KICTCFT materials when the Internet is down. While you will not be able to interact with your peers or online facilitator you can access the course materials.
Activity 2: Accessing KICTCFT Offline
- Collect your complimentary KICTCFT flash drive from the workshop facilitator;
- Insert the drive into your laptop's USB port;
- Open your File Explorer and navigate to the KICTCFT flash drive and study the file names.
- Click on 'StartPortableApps' and the following screen appears:
- Click on 'Moodle Start' and a copy of the KICTCFT course appears. This is an offline version of Moodle that contains a mirror image of the course.
- Log in using the following username, admin, and password, admin;
- Now select the unit you want to access. (NB. As this is an offline version of the course the chats, forums, web links, internal mail etc. do not work. In order to use these you need to be connected to the Internet and logged into http://kictcft.nba.co.za
Making Podcasts - Audacity
14h45-15h00 [15 minutes]
Accessing the Podcast program
One of the units requires you to create podcasts (audio files) and we will use an open source program to achieve this called Audacity (http://www.audacityteam.org/). It is a good idea to download the progam while you are here at CEMASTEA as the download is large one and will eat up your data if you need to download it later. Alternatively make sure you can access the program from the flash disk you received in the previous session.
Activity 3: Accessing Audacity
- Download Audacity from http://www.audacityteam.org/
- Install the Audacity program on your computing device.
- Double click on the audacity icon you have installed on your computing device to activate the program.
- Explore and identify the flowing buttons;
- Click on the 'Record' button and record your voice,
- Replay your recording by clicking on the 'Play' button,
- Export the audio by saving it as .WAV file.
- Now make a summary of the key aspects you have learnt in this course. Using the audacity tool record a 1 minute audio of the summary you have prepared.
15h00-15h20 [20 minutes]
Enhancing Accessibility to the KICTCFT Course
How can you improve accessibility to the course? Should you have certain personal challenges, such as being visually impaired, in this sub-unit we will investigate accessibility options.
Activity 4: Accessibility Options
- Access the guide below and ascertain if any of the suggestions might improve your access to this Moodle based course.
Workshop Evaluation
15h20-16h00 [40 minutes]
Feedback on the Workshop
Do you feel you are ready? Prepared? Was the workshop effective in providing you with an orientation to the VLE and the course in general? Please give us some feedback so that we can improve the workshop.
Activity 5: Workshop Feedback
- Access the questionnaire below entitled 'Orientation Workshop Feedback'
- Please be honest and answer all the questions.
- Please note, however, that the questionnaire is NOT anonymous.
Thanks, Closing & Group Photograph
16h00-16h30 [30 minutes]
KICTCFT Course 1st Cohort (CEMASTEA Feb-May 2015)
KICTCFT Course 2nd Cohort (CEMASTEA Jan-May 2016)
Terms of Use
KICTCFT Orientation Workshop Programme & Resources by Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Kenya
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.