مخطط الموضوع

  • Meet your facilitators

  • Unit Introduction

    With increasing access to television, the internet and movies, learners have become increasingly more visual.
    As teachers, instead of trying to continue using only traditional ‘chalk and talk’ methods, there is a need to meet our learners' need for visual stimulation, never at the expense of good sound teaching/pedagogy but rather to enhance the information that we are sharing with them.
    This unit will guide you through using presentation software to help you enhance your current teaching methods and materials. For the purposes of this unit we will be using Microsoft PowerPoint as an example of presentation software.

    By the end of this lesson you will be able to:

  • Assessment

    Now that you have worked through an overview of Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) and thought about ways in which this kind of tool can be used to enhance your teaching, it’s time to create your own short PPT presentation.

    1. Choose a topic that you are currently covering with your class in your subject matter area.
    2. Open a new PPT presentation on your laptop.
    3. Choose a theme that you think would work well.
    4. Add your information to the various PPT slides (remember the do’s and don’ts).
    5. Edit your slides to make sure there are no spelling mistakes.
    6. Present your slides as part of your teaching on this topic.
    7. Use the upload function below to upload a copy of your presentation for review

    • فتحت: Tuesday، 12 April 2022، 9:24 AM
      تستحق: Friday، 27 May 2022، 11:59 PM
      معاينة القيام بالتسليم
  • Attribution

  • License