Topic outline

  • Unit Introduction

    This is the second last unit in this module on assessment. In it, we are going to look at 2 separate, but related, parts of assessment. The first is how to set high quality exams and tests. The second is how to analyse the results of exams and tests to learn more about what your learners are struggling with. This is called error analysis.

    By the end of this unit you will be able to:

    Click on the link below to begin your lesson.

  • Assessment Instructions

    Your assessment for this unit is to produce a short 15 mark test in the subject, grade and topic of your choice. You may include any combination of multiple choice type and/or long form questions in your test. Remember that your test needs to be valid, reliable and usable.

    Along with the test, you also need to upload a table of specification where you show what content areas are being covered, what cognitive levels are being addressed and which questions cover which content areas at which levels. The cognitive levels should be those specified in the CAPS for your subject or they can reflect Bloom's taxonomy. You should have questions that cover all the topic areas and all the cognitive levels should be addressed.

    You also need to upload a full memo for your test. Remember that the memo needs to be detailed and specific enough enough so that another teacher could mark the same paper and still arrive at the same result.

  • Attribution and References


    • Rynnze Salazar. (2015). Table of specification in math test. Available here.
    • Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes – Government of Malta. (2017). Guidelines for paper setters. Available here.
    • Susan Verner. (2017). 12 Teacher Tips for Writing Good Test Questions. Available here.
    • Department of Basic Education. (2015). Using learner's responses to think about teaching Mathematics - Grade 3. Available here.

    • Licence

      Teachers' ICT Integration Course by Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License with the exception of the following resources:

      • Rynnze Salazar. (2015). Table of specification in math test. Available here.
      • Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes – Government of Malta. (2017). Guidelines for paper setters. Available here.
      • Susan Verner. (2017). 12 Teacher Tips for Writing Good Test Questions. Available here.
      • Department of Basic Education. (2015). Using learner's responses to think about teaching Mathematics - Grade 3. Available here.

      All content not licensed under a Creative Commons license is all rights reserved, and you must request permission from the copyright owner to use this material.