Assignment: Leadership & learning in ECD

Make a submission

Having participated in a discussion with your peers and received various points of view, now contextualize the principles that were covered in the tutorial by creating a PowerPoint presentation. Ensure that your presentation covers the following:

  • Is ECD deemed important enough in your school and district? 
  • If not, how will you, as a school leader, go about changing this situation?
  • Do you feel that the investment into ECD in your district / school is adequate relative to the number of ECD learners?
  • If yes - how have you allocated the funds? If no, how will you address this shortfall?
  • At your school, do you feel that the ECD teachers possess the correct qualities and skills required? Are the ECD learning outcomes being achieved? How will you, as a leader, go about improving the competency of your teachers?
  • Illustrate how your school has encouraged 'play' as a form of learning

Submission instructions

  • Save your PowerPoint in the following format: Full name_Module 1
  • Use the 'drag and drop' facility below to select your file for upload
  • Click on 'save changes' and then 'submit'