Assignment submission tool: Inclusive education

Make a submission

In a Word document, reflect on the following questions. The aim of this activity is to encourage you, as the school leader, to critically evaluate your current setup at school and reflect on what could be changed to improve the situation.

  • Does your school embrace inclusive education? 
  • If yes, how successful is the model and what could be changed to improve it?
  • If no, why not and is this something that you would look at changing in the future? What resources would be required to make your school more inclusive?
  • Does your school currently have any 'special needs' children? Do you feel that their educational needs are being met? Are your teachers equipped with the skills to educate special needs children? Do your facilities cater for special needs requirements?
  • Does your school cater for gifted learners? If so, how? How were these gifted learners identified?

Submission instructions

  • Save your Word document in the following format: Full name_Module 2
  • Use the 'drag and drop' facility to select your file for upload
  • Click on 'save changes' and then 'submit'