Open Content Assignment Submission Tool

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  1. Identify curriculum parameters: We want you to create a list of OER that could be used in your teaching subject. Before you start searching, review and identify a segment from the syllabus that would benefit from additional resources and multimedia.
  2. Create an 'attribution list' template. In MS Word, or any other word processor, create a template where you can store the open content you will discover. We would suggest you use a format like the one here: 
        • Author's surname, Initial. (year). Resource title. Web location with link. Creative Commons licence. [Example: Moore, A. (2022). The Pros and Cons of OER. Available online at CC BY-SA] 
  1. Identify at least one video OER: Use the skills and tips included in this learning pathway to search for and identify at least one openly licensed video that can supplement your teaching course. Include the details, a live hyperlink to the video, and the CC licence in your attribution template created in step 2 above.
  2. Identify at least one graphic, chart, image, or photo OER: Use the skills and tips included in this learning pathway to search for and identify at least one openly licensed image or graphic that can supplement your teaching course. Include the details, a live hyperlink to the image, and the CC licence in your attribution template.
  3. Identify at least one open text resource: Include this resource in your reporting template following the same format as the other resources listed above.
  4. Upload your completed open resource list here.