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UNESCO ICT CFT Based Courses
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Policy awareness
Welcome and introduction
ICT benefits for teaching and learning
ICT benefits for school administration
ICT benefits for soft skills and teacher CPD
ICT challenge - digital divide
ICT competency framework for teachers (CFT)
Topic 7
Conclusion, attribution and licence
01: ICT in education policy awareness
UNESCO (Generic)
Policy awareness
ICT competency framework for teachers (CFT)
UNESCO. (2019). Competency Framework for Teachers
UNESCO. (2019). Competency Framework for Teachers
Last modified: Monday, 30 November 2020, 12:55 PM
◄ Mitigating the Digital Divide within my community
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ITU. (2015). ICTs for a Sustainable World
Lowe, S. (2014). Why is technology important to education (video)
Ideas for using ICT in your lessons
Make4Prosperity. (2018). Digital Divide (video)
Johnson, D. (2015). Helping to close the digital divide
Mitigating the Digital Divide within my community
UNESCO. (2018). UNESCO ICT CFT (version 3).
ISTE. (2019). Standards for Educators
UNESCO. (2018). UNESCO ICT CFT (version 3). ►