What are the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship?

Let us bring the subject of ethics and technology closer to school and consider our role in setting the right tone in terms of acceptable digital behaviour. We will investigate, 'The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship.

What 9 Elements

Let us bring the subject of ethics and technology closer to school and consider our role in setting the right tone in terms of acceptable digital behaviour. We will investigate, 'The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship.

Digital Citizenship

The 9 elements were defined by Mike Ribble and he has his own website that explains what each of the elements entails at http://digitalcitizenship.net/Nine_Elements.html. Its worth a visit but in this module we are going to hand over the responsibility of outlining the 9 elements to some online vloggers!  Try the links below;

A teachers perspective:

A students perspective:

Do you think you have got it?

Last modified: Thursday, 21 July 2022, 3:37 PM