
Open Resources

The following open educational resources (OER) have been adapted to create this module. References to supplementary materials are also listed here.

Attribution (OER)

    1. Butcher, N & Moore, A. (2015). Understanding OER. Commonwealth of Learning. CC BY SA. Available online at
    2. Hoffman, J. (2009). Introducing Copyright. Commonwealth of Learning. CC BY NC ND. Available online at
    3. Royal Society of New Zealand. (nd). The CC Licenses. RSNZ. CC BY. Available online at
    4. Creative Commons. (2017). Understanding Free Cultural Works. Creative commons. CC BY. Available online at
    5. Garcia, P. (2017). Digital Learning Resources and Open Educational Resources. YouTube. CC BY NC SA. Available online at
    Last modified: Friday, 16 June 2017, 3:34 PM