
The following open educational resources (OER) have been adapted to create this module. References to supplementary materials are also listed here.

Open Resources

The following open educational resources (OER) have been adapted to create this module. References to supplementary materials are also listed here.

Attribution (OER)

  1. Wikipedia. (2017). Cyberbullying. Wikipedia. CC BY SA. Available online at
  2. Lee, J. (nd). Cyber Bullying - Around the Clock Harassment. Choose Help. CC BY. Available online at
  3. Disini, R. (2017). Responsible Use of Technology Tools and Online Resources. YouTube. CC BY NC SA. Available online at 
  4. Harrison, S. (2011). Combat Cyberbullying. WikiSpaces. CC BY SA. Available online at
  5. Bezbednonainternet. (2012). Bully. YouTube. CC BY. Available online at
  6. The British Library. (2015). Freedom: Cyberbullying and Its Consequences. YouTube. CC BY. Available online at


  1. Reachout Australia. (2016). Cyberbullying. YouTube. Std YouTube Lic. Available online at
  2. Watchwellcast. (2013). How to Beat Cyberbullies. YouTube. Std YouTube lic. Available online at
Last modified: Thursday, 21 July 2022, 3:41 PM