
The following open educational resources (OER) have been adapted to create this module. References to supplementary materials are also listed here.


The following open educational resources (OER) have been adapted to create this module. References to supplementary materials are also listed here.

Attribution (OER)

  1. Bandalaria, M. (2017). Flexibility. UPOU/YouTube. CC BY NC SA. Avalable online at
  2. Bandalaria, M. (2017). Netizens and Netiquette. UPOU/YouTube. CC BY NC SA. Avalable online at
  3. Garcia, P. (2017). Collaborative Leaning: Cooperative, Problem-based and Project-based Learning. UPOU/YouTube. CC BY NC SA. Available online at
  4. Wikihow. (2017). How to Create a Group in WhatsApp. Wikihow. CC BY NC SA. Available online at


  1. Google. (2017). How to Use Google Drive. Google Support. (C). Available online at
  2. Dunn, J. (2013). How to easily use Wikispaces for education. YouTube. Std. YouTube Lic. Avalaible online at
  3. Walsh, K. (2011). Facebook in the classroom ... Seriously. Emerging EdTech. (C). Available online at
  4. Online College. (2017). 99 Ways you Should be using FB in your Class. Online College. (C). Available online at
Last modified: Thursday, 21 July 2022, 3:43 PM